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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Randy Newman's Minstrel Show: Total Bigot

Back story:

Occasionally I get to listen to the Hallerin Hill show on I-Heart-Radio when I am not listening to local goings on in greater metropolitan Cherry Hill (all we hear about is Philly politics and Camden murders, go figure).  I listen to it over the air when I am traveling and in range too.

So John tells me to listen to the podcast from the 8:15 chunk today.  Biggest bigot in the world called in and they aired him!  They were talking about Randy Newman's new free song (you get what you pay for, in this case less) "I'm Dreaming".  Sorry, no link, go find this pile of poop on your own.

So, like listening to a train wreck, I had to listen a few more times, and one discussion led to another until . . .

The merger of the caller and the Al Jolson impersonator (Newman):

"Just shows you how White people will do you."

Now updated with Archie and Meat Head, a few levels above the minstrel of Hollywood. (sorry I did not get the updated version loaded right away.  here it is)

Hallerin Hill, a bigot caller, Randy Newman performs in Blackface, and Archie Bunker argues against minstrel shows.

Many thanks to John for enduring this and bringing this stupid video into context.

Other places I post: Order the paperback edition of Suki V: The Collection Browse the series on Google: Suki I, Suki II, Suki III, Suki IV, Suki V Fan Fiction: John and Suki: Vacation Fun Suki: Settling The Score available for browsing and purchase on Kindle, browse on Google. All the books I helped with or wrote are over here.